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Category — Money

Life After Debt: Practical Solutions To Get Out of Debt, Build Wealth, And Radically Transform Your Finances Forever! by Rob Kosberg

#debt #money its on everyone’s mind. Let Rob Kosberg break down how and why you need and can get out of debt. This enlightening book will give you a step by step approach to succeeding.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5!
What others are saying

Makes the Subject Palatable
What makes this book different from the myriad others I’ve read in my never ending search for the way out of debt, is that I felt like I was conversing with an old friend–one who had my welfare at heart and would spend whatever effort it took to talk me out of my financial woes. Several points he made regarding attitude really hit home and I now find that I’m dealing with my problems from a whole different, and way healthier, point of view.

I’m the better for having read this book, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Rob Kosberg Provides Solutions You Can Implement Today
Rob Kosberg touches a financial epedemic that can be turned around by applying some or all of his practical solutions to achieve stress-free results. You will not only transform your finances forever, you will be transforming yourself into a more positive and thriving person. If you are in debt or know someone who is, R U N to get your very own copy of this publication!

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December 6, 2012   No Comments

The Case Against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard

#Money #Politics What do you really know about the Federal Reserve? Are you sure you know everything that you should? This is a must read for anyone what really what’s to know how the government works and why.

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Reviews: 4.3 out of 5.0!
What others are saying:

“ This book explains fractional reserve banking and our monetary system very well. ” Matthew J. Thomas | 21 reviewers made a similar statement
“ I’d recommend this book to anyone with an interest in finance and economics. ” Jeffrey Leach | 9 reviewers made a similar statement
“ Murray Rothbard writes a scathing indictment of the Federal Reserve System and the book is worth reading if you want to understand your how money comes into existence. ” Michael Foudy | 7 reviewers made a similar statement
The Federal Reserve Under Attack

This book, written by Murray Rothbard, an economist and historian of fairly well known repute, is a scathing attack on not only the Federal Reserve, but the interests that created this institution. Rothbard is an adept writer, as he takes a concept that can be fairly daunting and makes it accessible to the those readers without an economics background. I considered trying to earn a degree in Economics, but abandoned it when I found out that most of it is tied to higher mathematics. I’m more interested in the conceptual side. Rothbard cuts out math and focuses on the real meat of the issue, the concepts that govern money supply and inflation.

The book starts by discussing the biggest problem with the Federal Reserve system, which is fractional reserve banking. Rothbard explains how this system is only functioning because people believe that it works. If there was a run on banks tomorrow, the entire financial system would collapse, because there isn’t enough “real” money in reserve to cover all of the bank notes in circulation. Rothbard believes that it is the Fed that causes inflation, and that the Fed is the sole source of inflation in society. It can be a confusing issue to explain, but Rothbard makes it easy.

The rest of the book is a detailed history of the creation of the central banking system. This part can be confusing due to the numerous names that Rothbard flies through as he traces the events leading up to the creation of the Fed at Jekyll Island in 1911. Several interesting points are made during this history. Rothbard says that the Progressive movement in American history was essentially engineered by the money interests to help destroy competition. The little guy couldn’t afford to put up with all the regulatory laws passed by the government. This opened the way for the giants, such as Morgan and Rockefeller to monopolize industry. Another point that Rothbard makes is that the history of the United States from after the Civil War to World War Two has essentially been controlled by two financial camps, Morgan and Rockefeller. In this way, he supports views held by many that the big money trust controls the country and owns all of the politicians, an issue that is very much in vogue today, and can be seen in the minor success of Ralph Nader’s run for the White House. The book winds up by saying that the only way to restore sanity is to go back to the gold standard, where all money is backed up by an equivalent amount of either gold or silver.

I’d recommend this book to anyone with an interest in finance and economics. This book is good for anyone who just wants to understand what fractional reserve banking is and how it works. Rothbard died in 1995, but he has left a good account of himself behind for all to enjoy.

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November 9, 2012   No Comments

Debt BEGONE! – How to Be Prepared for a Cash Crisis by Taylor Paine

#Debt Are you ready? The economy is still crashing, are you ready for it? You need to read this book. It is amazing!

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About The Book!

When You’re Liv?ng Paych??k T? Pay?h?ck, Str????d F?r Funds, And Don’t Know Wh? T? Turn T?…

It h??p?ns to m?st ?ll ?f us….

U?ually ?t l?ast on?? ?n ?v?ry p?r?on’s l?f? com?s ? tim? when th? n?ed ?s gr?at ?nd th? r?s?ur?es ?r? f?w.

All ?f ? sudd?n ?nd w?th?ut w?rn?ng, ?our r?of b?gin? to leak!

Your hot w?t?r heat?r ?huts down ?nd y?ur com?uter go?s u? ?n smok?, th? ?lut?h ne?ds t? be r??laced in ?our car and y?ur son d??ides to h?v? his wedd?ng ?n th? Isl? ?f Oahu – ?ll ?f th?s w?thin th? sam? week!

As y?u s?t, stunn?d ?nd ??u ??nd?r an ?x?t ?trat?g? ??u r????v? a fr?endly letter fr?m th? IRS ex?la?ning that y?u m?sc?lcul?ted y?ur t?xe? in 1996, and th?y n?w ?wn ??ur h?us?.

At t?me? l?ke thi?, y?u ne?d a ?l?n of a?ti?n.

S?m? u?eful ?ost-?av?ng tip? ?nd ?nc?m? g?n?rat?ng ?d??? ?ust t? mak? ?ur? y?u can ?l?ep at night.

And ?t t?m?s l?ke th?s, y?u n??d to read this book

Debt BEGONE! – How to Be Prepared for a Cash Crisis, the new chapter from the known series from Taylor Paine.

D? ??u need t? kn?w h?w to curb bad sp?nd?ng h?b?ts ?nd ?tart saving em?rg?ncy funds? And qu?ck?

The truth ?s, m?n? ????l? f?nd themselv?? in ??ur positi?n through?ut the?r l?v??.

And ?t do?sn’t h?v? to do with h?w much m?n?y y?u make.

In f??t, a r?cent study found th?t middle ?l??s worker? ?ften had the l?ast ?ash ?n h?nd ?f an? other gr?u?.

Ev?n of those in th? low?st ?nc?m? grou??!

On?e ??u real?ze th?t y?ur lif?st?l? oft?n de?id?s h?w de???rate ?ou ar? f?r ???h, ?t can b? the aw?k?n?ng th?t teaches ?ou to chang? y?ur hab?ts.

“Wh? El?e Wants To Turn The?r F?n?ncial Em?rgen?y Into An Org?nized Plan F?r R??ov?r??”

The b?st time to ?tart ch?nging your f?nanc?al h?bits for th? b?tt?r is when ?ou ?r? f??ed with a l??k-of-cash ?mergen?y.

Sudd?nly your f???d with the fa?t th?t something n??d? t? ?h?ng? if you ?re ev?r g?ing to be f?n?n?ially free.

W?th?n ” Debt BEGONE! – How to Be Prepared for a Cash Crisis,” y?u’ll l?arn all th? tr??k?, ti?s, and c?st-cutting ?trateg?e? ??u n?ed to st?rt sav?ng and ??rn?ng ?mergen?? fund?.

Th? Secr?t Of C?m?ng Ba?k Fr?m A F?nancial Emerg?ncy Str?ng?r Than Ev?r Bef?r?…

If y?u’re ?n finan?i?l tr?uble, the f?r?t thing y?u want t? d? might b? t? ?t?rt b?rrow?ng m?ney.

Either fr?m fr?end? ?r fam?ly, a 401k ?r IRA ?nd s? f?rth.

And sometim?s th?s is th? ?nly ?olution.

But often tim?? it ?u?t prolongs ?our m???ry!

If you’r? f?nd?ng it h?rd t? sl?ep n?w – if y?u f??l stress?d ?ut n?w – ??u’re ?nl? mak?ng the problem last longer.

In this book, I’ll te?ch y?u 21 wa?? t? k?ep ?? ?lo?e to your ?r?sent l?fe?tyle ?? ?o?s?ble and st?ll st?rt ??ll?ct?ng ?xtra dollars ever? t?m? ?ou turn around.

You’ll find out ??u ?an do t? find ?xtra ?a?h starting toda?.

L?ke turn?ng h?bb?es ?nto ?ncom? ?r turn?ng ?tem? fr?m ar?und the hous? int? doll?r b?lls in y?ur h?nd.

W?th ga? pr???? r??sing a? f??t as th?? ?r?, th? wh?l? n?t?on ?s ?t?rting to n?t??e ? l??k of cash ?n hand.

When y?u r??d, y?u’ll know what ?ther? d?n’t about h?w t? g?t the most v?lu? ?ut ?f ?v?r? d?ll?r ?ou spend ?t the ga? ?um?.

All in ?ll, this book i? full of wa?s to start ??m??ling ?a?h fr?m all corn?rs of ?our l?f? in ?rder to f?nd emerg?n?? funds f??t.

M?n? ????le ??? f?n?nc?al plann?rs as much ?? $150/hour t? hel? them f?nd w??s to ?av? mon?y – and ?t’? oft?n worth it to d? s?!

You c?n ?tart c?mpil?ng em?rgen?y ?ash today.

On? small inv?stm?nt to turn y?ur entir? fin?n?ial life ?r?und. Tim?? are ?bviousl? tight, but getting this book is not a d?cis?on ?ou c?n regret.

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November 9, 2012   No Comments

Free Money by Blythe Ayne

Great read. Looking from some inspiration. Check this one out!

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Reviews: 3.0 out of 5.0!
What others are saying:

Not What I Expected
Should have read the de !–ion before buying the book. However, it was free so I just picked it up. This book has nothing to do with free money and that’s okay. It will help you through inspiration.

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November 5, 2012   No Comments