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As we grow as a site we are going to continue to add to this page. But for now, this we have composed a list of questions our subscribers have asked.

Q. Are you Amazon?

A. NO – sorry not shouting. We just really like books and would like to help other people enjoy them as much as we do. We have set up a FREE section and a FEATURED Section (books that we like, but are not FREE).

Q. I Wanted a book you have on the site but it’s not FREE, what’s up?

A. The authors have the right to change the date of the FREE period at anytime. We try and post the book as soon as we can to help people know about the FREE offer as soon as they are available. But remember to always watch the dates on the offer. And they are time specific.

Q. Do you offer Kindle Support?

A. Sorry but no. We are just a couple of web people who like to read our kindle books on the kindle app as we keep looking online for mre great deals on books. We have to direct you have to the kindle support page. They will have everything you need.

Q. So if I Subscribe are you going to SPAM me? 

A. Everyday we are going to post the new “FREE” and “FEATURED” books of the day. You will get just this one email from us. We will also tweet and post on Facebook the same list of books.  Remember that not all books are offered in all areas and not all of the books are free in all areas. Please read the Amazon listing before you decide to press the buy button. After you purchase the book, Amazon will automatically deliver the book to your cloud reader or your Kindle. It really is that simple.

Q. Don’t live in the US? 

A. We will try very hard to post the links for the other Amazon sites around the country. Please be patient with us as we are going to try our best to provide you with the best service possible.

Q. HEY were are the books for DUDES? You just have Chick books!

A. Yep you are right, but we have no control over who publishes which books for free and when. We are going to try our best to find you the best source for all of the books possible in all of the possible genre.

Q. Can I download these books to my Nook/Kobo/Other eReader?

A. Nope … Amazon files from the Kindle store work only with the Kindle or a Kindle app.