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Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert

Looking for a seduction tale gone wrong. This twisting tale has the lead character Elle jumping to into bed trying to seduce her boss when in fact she ends up in bed with the wrong person.

From start to finish this is a must read. You can not put the book, or kindle down.  Grab your copy today and see what everyone is raving about.

Stars: 4.2 out of 5 with over 158 people reviewing and 143 Facebook Likes

What they are saying:

My tongue AND my brain flopped out from the sexy

Let’s all open our minds a little bit and take a trip down the road to when romance tropes were gloriously heartfelt, slightly cheesy but oh so sexy. Keep skipping down the path and you will smack head first into the brick wall of awesome that was ‘Wrong Bed, Right Guy’.

I read this book twice. Twice, I say! Why, you ask? Well, wise consumer, I shall tell you. Because this book was everything that a ‘Bad boy/ Good girl’ romance SHOULD be.

I’m a huge proponent of the notion that not only do opposites attract, but they keep a flame burning through a relationship. I am also a believer that you can meet someone and instantly know that that person was made for you. Hell, my husband is a deer-hunting country boy and I’m a Shakespeare-loving over-read hippie/goth mash-up. Our first date was a Saturday and the following Wednesday he asked me to marry him. Still together and it’s still first-date hot. Why do I divulge such detail?

Because the chemistry between Gabe and Elle in this story lit up my Kindle.

Gabe is a tattoo artist and an incredibly savvy businessman. What I loved the most about him – aside from the smexy ink and the fact that Katee Robert said he looks like Tom Hardy – was the fact that despite his success and the laid back bravado, he admitted that he was lonely. Now, I love an Alpha male, but what I adore far more than a ruggedly broken Alpha is the Alpha that can admit that he is human. Gabe totally did that for me. He WAS the definitive gruff teddy bear and it made me swoon…HARD.

And poor Elle. A goody-two shoes girlie girl that was ruled, not by her own will or what the primal beating of her heart told her, but ultimately governed by what her mother would think. I’ve known a few people who’ve had this problem and I did a bit of a victory cheer when she said EFF THIS and followed her heart. Watching her fight against it was painful, but real. It was REAL. Her emotionalism and over-reaction at times? Real. The fact that when she looked at Gabe she acknowledged that her libido went into nuclear overdrive and threatened to shut down the entire power grid? Yeah, totally real.

I loved this book for several reasons. The love scenes were sexy. They started with that slow flicker of a flame and then built into a roaring fire. And OH EM GEE, Gabe is the most attentive and dare I say it, unselfish lover. Kudos, Gabe! The relationship between them was not a rocket HEA, but you could see that it was headed there and that was awesome. Elle’s ability to let the bug in her ass die and see Gabe for the good man he was? Brilliant.

My one complaint is that I totally wanted her to tell her mother off. I realize we are supposed to honor our parents, but the way that woman talked to her made me cringe. but even that complaint doesn’t take away the fact that I loved this book!

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