Ghosts – What They Are and What They Aren’t
When ghost hunters investigate a site, we do two things:
First, we make sure the issue is paranormal, not normal. If a TV seems to turn itself on and off, we check the wiring in case it’s just a short circuit or broken switch. If a room has a "cold spot," we check for drafts and a/c issues. And so on.
Then, we look for actual ghostly phenomena.
The problem – Many ghost hunters focus on evidence of ghosts and nothing else.
Other paranormal entities may exist. Some of those entities may be extremely dangerous.
So, what if a ghost hunter thinks something is a ghost… when it isn’t?Best case – The ghost hunter decides a different, benign entity is actually a ghost. No one is in danger, they just don’t know the best ways to deal with whatever-it-is.Worst case – The ghost hunter confuses something dangerous with a ghost, and puts himself, his team, or his client at risk.This book will help you decide if something is a ghost, or if it’s another paranormal entity. This isn’t a precise science. It’s a process of elimination.
From aliens to angels, and from demons to shadow people, Ms.Broome explains the basic differences in how these entities manifest… how they’re like ghosts and how they’re different.
If you’re investigating (or living in) a house that might be haunted, and you’ve ruled out the normal explanations, it’s too soon to assume it’s a ghost.
Ghosts – What They Are and What They Aren’t is for beginners and intermediate ghost hunters. It’s an overview of typical ghostly activity, and things that can seem like ghosts… but aren’t.
Read Ghosts – What They Are and What They Aren’t to understand what to watch for — and watch out for — as you evaluate things that go bump in the night.
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If you’ve ever visited — or lived in — a haunted house, you owe it to yourself to know what you encountered. It might not be what you thought…
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